Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Hūlili welcomes manuscripts in English or ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i from both established and emerging scholars involved in research on Hawaiian well-being from diverse fields such as economics, education, family resources, government, health, history, natural resource management, psychology, religion, sociology, and so forth. We welcome manuscripts with an empirical focus as well as contributions at the cutting edge of theoretical debates and practice in these fields.

Submit manuscripts via email to, preferably as an MS Word document. Alternatively, manuscripts may be mailed to Hūlili, Kamehameha Schools, 567 South King Street, Suite 118, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96813. Any photos and charts should be submitted as 300 dpi tiff files.

Manuscripts typically must not be previously published or be under consideration with another publication. The editorial board may make an exception for published materials that are central to the knowledge base of Hawaiian well-being and that would otherwise have limited distribution.

While there is no page limit for articles, content should be concise and relevant.

Provide an abstract of approximately 120 words.

Provide a title page with the title of the article, author’s name, author’s affiliation, and suggested running head (less than 50 characters and spaces). The title page should also include the author’s complete mailing address, email, and a brief bio.

Style consistent with the Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition) for main text and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition) for references is preferred. Provide appropriate citations, including source citations for all tables, charts, and figures. Figures and tables are to be numbered in consecutive series (with Arabic numerals) and should be cited in the text.

Include a complete and accurate reference list at the end of the manuscript. References should be referred to in text by name and year.

Use endnotes only when necessary. Endnotes should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and added at the end of the manuscript, after the references.

Use a Hawaiian font to display proper diacritical markings (ʻokina and kahakō) in all text, charts, endnotes, citations, and appendices.

Prior to submission, manuscripts should be checked for content, editorial style, and consistency in citations of references, tables, and figures. Manuscripts will be returned for revision at the discretion of the editors.

Authors submitting articles agree to allow Kamehameha Schools to publish the articles digitally as well as in print form. Kamehameha Schools fully honors the intellectual rights of all contributors.